(574) 313-1374

Let's be honest...
Anyone can sit in front of a therapist and talk about themselves for 45 minutes, come back every week to do the same thing for years, and nothing in their lives change. They may walk out of the session feeling a little better, but it doesn't carry over into daily life. They are still fighting the same demons they were the first day they walked into that therapist's office. You want a therapist that will help you achieve something new and different, right? Whether that be finding peace in life, discovering or rediscovering happiness, or dealing with emotional baggage from the past. Maybe you want to figure out if you have a drinking problem, you want to communicate better with your partner, figure out who you are, or free yourself from anxiety, depression, or trauma. Whatever you want to achieve, it's doable, but it's going to take work beyond just sitting and talking every week to a person with a gargantuan diploma on their wall who does little more than say, "Uh huh," every thirty seconds and then throw in a "how does that make you feel" once in a while. The therapy you'll get from Myh Library in person or Begin To Wake Therapy online is so much more than talking. It's doing. It's active. It takes moving beyond the therapist's office into life where the real changes take place. Yes, a lot of talking is still involved when we meet, but if you're looking for a therapist to just listen, nod, and write in a notebook then maybe mine is not the agency for you. But if you are ready to do the work that it takes to make some real lasting changes, then mine IS the agency for you!! I promise you that we will get $#!# done!
Now a little bit about the agency: Covid has really changed the landscape of therapy. You now have multiple options for how you want to do your therapy. You can be seen in person or virtually. If you want to be seen in person and are in the SB area, then WELCOME to Myh Library (pronounced 'my library') where you come to mind your heart. Myh Library is specifically named in a way so you can feel comfortable knowing no one else will know your business. "Where you off to?" "Oh, I'm going to Myh Library."
Because Covid seems to have brought with it the dawning era of Mental Health Awareness, virtual therapy is now as common as in-person. If you live outside the Michiana area (i.e.: anywhere in Indiana, New York, domestic or overseas in the US Armed Forces, or California) and still want my awesome help, no problem! Begin To Wake Therapy is your space for mind heart healing online. As long as you have a smart phone, desktop computer, laptop, or tablet with a working camera and microphone, we can work together. So many options for you to work toward your mental health goals! I am a therapist with over 20 years experience, and I'm licensed in Indiana. I'm in the process of being licensed in NY and thanks to a state of emergency in CA, licensed clinicians from other states are legally allowed to work with CA residents. Michigan and Georgia are options as well if the need arises. All I have to do is have my licenses there reinstated.

What's it like?
I'm all about comfort. Why should therapy be uncomfortable? After all, you might face some uncomfortable feelings, so why not be wrapped
up in a soft blanket with a hot beverage on a comfy couch when you do it? The feelings are part of the journey, but so is laughter and enjoyment. Yep, therapy can be enjoyable. At least it can with me.
Here's a recent quote from a client, Emily K -- "I just want you to know how happy going to therapy makes me and how much of a positive impact you've made on me in such a short period of time! Thank you!"
I don't do anything by the book. Yes, it's a library theme, but I take a little from here, a little from there, add in your expertise on you, mix it all up, and wah-lah! You have your own personalized therapy path to walk; tailored to the uniqueness that is you.

Who's your therapist?
Lisa Levin. She's not your ordinary therapist.
Please don't expect me to be in business suit sitting across from you with a notepad on my lap and glasses perched at the end of my nose, so I can stare over the top of them at you. (Usually my glasses are on the top of my head.) I will be comfortably dressed and probably won't have my shoes on. I might wear a baseball cap or have my mohawk braided in several colorful strands that hang over one shoulder. Perhaps I'll wrap up in a cozy blanket. I certainly encourage you to.
I've been doing this therapy work for a long time (over twenty years-- wow! I have a hard time believing it), and I absolutely know what I'm doing and can help you. I don't even like describing what can do because, let's face it, most people don't know what all these abbreviations stand for. Do you care about the initials behind my name? I'm like all the other Social Workers out there. Got my Masters degree (University of Michigan-- go blue!), and through all these years of practice, I've kept up with my training/continuing ed, so that I can be up to date on the best practices out there, but mainly more than anything to impress you with all those letters after my name. 😁 Are you as impressed when I say that I'm trained in EMDR, PE, CBT, ACT, IFS, and EC? I'm interested to see who cares enough to ask me what it all stands for. But seriously, my passion is helping people live lives with much less suffering than when they first met me. It's so satisfying and joyous when a person who's lived a life misery can finally live peacefully and happy. (Yes, happy. It can happen even for you.)
Here is the path I've taken to get where I am for those of you interested: I started out a substance abuse and dual diagnosis/co-occurring disorders therapist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, moved to GA and worked as a wilderness therapy therapist for troubled youth. From there I went to working at a hospital behavioral health unit, gaining invaluable hands-on experience with mental illness. Then I got offered a position overseas working & living with Marines and their families doing substance abuse work and there, I learned so much about the military and the unique lifestyle attached. When I came back stateside, I worked with veterans doing a lot of trauma work before moving back to Japan to work once again with Marines as a substance abuse therapist. Finally, I moved back stateside and started in community mental health where I get to use all my past experiences to help those that I serve. Currently I'm still with the CMH part time. Why only part time? Because the rest of the time, I'm working in this new practice I'm developing to help people like yourself.
A word about multiculturalism. I want to be EVERYONE'S therapist. Not just white people. I really have a desire to help level the playing field since BIPOC don't get the same unearned privileges people with the same lack of melanin get (aka white people). I'd like to use some of my privilege to work with people of color to help overcome/desensitize any of the pain that's come their way for any reason, not just racism, but definitely the personal & systemic racism they face on a daily basis. So here's my offer: Check out this post I wrote: , and then look at the pages I run: https://www.facebook.com/BLM2T & https://www.facebook.com/nosuchthingassidelines/. Then please know, I'm here for you if you'd like my help.
Please know upfront
I don't take insurance because I'd spend most of my energy fighting with the insurance companies and being beholden to their arbitrary rules about what we can and can't do to get you to where you want to be. Rules that are made by non-clinical personnel that don't understand therapy. These non-clinical rule makers limit the therapy you can have and even override those that know because insurance is a for-profit business. This means that money and their shareholders are more important than your mental health. They will try to deny coverage and not pay for whatever reasons they come up with, and I really don't have the energy to spend on them. I want all my energy to go to you. I will be happy to give you any paperwork you need to submit for your out of network benefits.

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