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Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment

This is the first session where I learn about you after reading the paperwork you've submitted, and we decide if we're a good fit.  You get to figure out if you think I can help you.  I will assess what might be the best course of action, and if you need me to, I can provide diagnosis documentation.  We will begin treatment planning during this session. 

  • In-person

    Walk in to Myh Library for a face to face therapy session. Grab a bottle of water or cup of coffe/tea, and let's chat! 

  • Begin To Wake Therapy

    Get your therapy where ever you are in the world.  Have a 0 minute commute.  All you need is a working camera and microphone on a smart-phone, laptop, desktop computer, or tablet and a confidential space for a little less than an hour, and I'll send you the link via email or text. It's your choice.  Then we've got nothing to do, but get to work!


    Finding the right therapist is hard.  If after the first, second, or third session, you believe for whatever reason, I cannot help you then you don't pay for that final session. 

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