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Real Feedback I’ve Received

I am in this with you to win this with you. It's important that change happens. When it does, it's exciting and worth celebrating! Here are some quotes from some of my clients who gave permission. And it's true. My clients enjoy coming to therapy.

"I feel like I calmed down after therapy a lot and just almost feel happy and excited. ... I just want you to know how happy going to therapy makes me and how much of a positive impact you've made on me in such a short period of time! Thank you."

Emily K

"You come just in the nick in time. I just need this. I'd pay $200 for a session! This is my happy, normal spot I guess. Every week this is what I need. .. I can't wait."


"After 20 years of therapy, I have seen countless therapists, and Lisa has by far been the most helpful. I've gained the most from our sessions and look forward to seeing her every week."


Emily texted me that compliment after her third session. All three have made tremendous positive changes in their lives and are functioning much better than when they started. (& no, I'm not charging $200/session.) No need to be in therapy for years. Positive change can happen after the first session. Make an appointment with me to see for yourself. If you think I can't help after the second or third session, you don't pay for the last session. That's how confident I am.

Testimonials: Testimonials
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